Resources / Science of Learning

Science of Learning
Jeffery Cole on Today's Students, Tomorrow's Teachers
“It’s a mentorship program designed to support personal and professional growth.” Hear from Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Teachers Alumnus, Jeffery Cole.
Science of Learning
Kim Burnim - Keeping the Promise of Public Education
Educators are some of children’s first role models. Kim Burnim shares how her daycare teacher, Ms. Chandler, not only inspired her love for reading but led her to give back to the next generation as a Kindergarten teacher herself.
Science of Learning
Project-Based Learning Series from Edutopia
Project-based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge. A video series is available from Edutopia, informed by research from Lucas Education Research.
Science of Learning
Cynthia Tong teaches social studies through embodied lessons.
Cynthia Tong, an 8th grade social studies teacher in Ewa Beach, Hawaii connects students to history and social studies through movement and embodied lessons.
Science of Learning
Leah Juelke, Language Arts Teacher
Leah Juelke, a 9th to 12th grade language arts teacher in Fargo, North Dakota supports immigrant youth to learn English and share their personal journeys.
Science of Learning
Matthew Bacon-Brenes, Dual Language Immersion Teacher
Matthew Bacon-Brenes, a dual language immersion teacher in Portland, Oregon helps to realize the power of dual language immersion by teaching American history in Japanese.

Remodeling Education • Science of Learning
NH Public Schools Rising
New Hampshire is getting national recognition for its public education policies, practices, and outcomes. Why is this small, rural state getting so much attention?
Science of Learning
Ask Why - Grades
It’s hard to imagine school without letter grades and grade point averages in the forefront. But grades just don’t tell the whole story for every student.