Fund Education Instead Game
It’s time to tell a new story about education funding in the U.S. And we’re excited to share that story in the form of an interactive shopping cart game called Fund Education Instead (#FundEdInstead). The Partnership for the Future of Learning—with immense support from National Education Policy Center, Root + All, and Voqal—created the game to emphasize where the focus of our elected officials should be when it comes to education. 
Public education is one of the most important institutions in the United States. And inadequate funding has been a perpetual and devastating problem, particularly in communities of color and areas of concentrated poverty. Real improvements start with building equity into everything we do in schools, from decision-making to instruction. Many aspects of school and learning need to be remodeled and updated for the needs of today and tomorrow. That takes investment.
If you had the chance, how would you renew the promise of public education?

Fund Education Instead invites you to compare government expenditures and tax cuts side-by-side with the costs of improving our public education system. While changing education funding is not as simple as redirecting federal funds to education, it can be informative to experience these big numbers side-by-side.
Fulfilling the promise of public education means fully funding our schools and educators. It’s time to prioritize education as a pathway for all young people to reach their full potential.
Play the game and share your priorities:
Click to Share: Examples from the Game
High-speed home internet is an essential resource for today’s students, yet millions of households lack access. Could we start to close the #DigitalDivide? Compare federal spending priorities: #FundEdInstead #InternetForAll
Restorative justice is a powerful tool for equity and a positive alternative to harsh and exclusionary discipline practices. How can we make sure #RestorativeJustice coordinators are in every school? Compare costs: #FundEdInstead
Many schools don’t meet the recommended student-to-counselor ratio of 250:1. What would it take to hire 97,586 counselors to meet more needs in all schools? Find out: #FundEdInstead #CounselorsNotCops
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act directs federal funds to schools with high concentrations of students living in poverty. Congress has failed to fully fund this mandate since 1965. What would it take to fully fund #TitleI? #FundEdInstead
Text to Share in Newsletters and Emails
The Partnership for the Future of Learning, with support from the National Education Policy Center and Voqal, has launched a new interactive shopping cart game called Fund Education Instead. Players can compare government expenditures and tax cuts side-by-side with the costs of improving our public education system. Fulfilling the promise of public education means fully funding our schools and educators. It’s time to prioritize education as a pathway for all young people to reach their full potential. Play the game and share your priorities: |