Resources / School Funding

Remodeling Education • School Funding
Spend It On Schools
Compare federal expenditures and investments with real costs of improving our public education system using this interactive tool. Choose how you’d prioritize education as a pathway for all young people to reach their full potential.
School Funding
Dear Educators, Don’t Quit!
A heartfelt message by teachers for teachers. We share in this struggle together. Don’t quit, remain positive, and continue to make connections with your students. You’ve got this.
School Funding
Different School, Different World: An Introduction to School Funding in New Hampshire
When Jacob moves to another town halfway through his junior year, his high school experience feels like a different world. Follow his journey as he learns more about New Hampshire’s school funding system, how we got here, and what’s next.
School Funding
Fund Education Instead Game
It’s time to prioritize education as a pathway for all young people to reach their full potential. Play the game and share your priorities:
Community Power • Racial Equity • School Funding
Better Days are Coming
Better Days are Coming is a call to action. It is a call to Congress to fully fund Title I. All around the country, education activists are taking action to demand public investment in public education.
Community Power • Racial Equity • School Funding
A ROSe in LA
In Los Angeles, failure to fully fund Title I denies students more than $900 million a year. For students and educators at Susan Miller Dorsey High School in South-Central Los Angeles, this is an everyday reality.