Poem: Like a Lotus by Sarai Arias-Contreras

Part of the Youth Story Campaign

Sarai says, “Although some schools value the voices of their students/the youth not all do, this should change as the youth are coming in with ideas and perspectives that the past generations might not think about, with this students should be at least given an opportunity to express themselves and be included to share their perspectives with certain topics. However this cannot be done without the support of the adults in the school, districts, staff members, etc.”

Like a Lotus

By: Sarai Arias – Contreras
Organization: SOMOS

We must be like a lotus
Lets rebirth
With a mouth of two voices
We shall rise with the unity of these voices
To rebirth as beauty, like the lotus.
Thus purity and power shall overcome

No shadow shall be shown or created
If orange dominants purple will strike
If purple dominants chaos shall be created
If the voice cannot agree on a mouth
A shadow shall be created
If the mouth holds orange and purple
Red will rise 

Let’s unite, let’s become red
Let us have two voices with a mouth
Let’s become like a lotus.