Truth in Education Funding
Your Guide to Understanding Vouchers and Supporting Public Education
In recent years, there has been a concerted effort to dismantle public education as a critical foundation of democracy, whether through legislation that harms LGBTQIA+ communities at school or banning inclusive books and curricula. This effort is inextricably linked to the push for private voucher programs. Private school voucher programs use public funds to pay for private education costs. These programs are spreading despite overwhelming evidence that they are harmful public policy. Public education guarantees students and families certain rights and protections. However, many of those rights and protections do not apply to students using vouchers to attend private schools. Private school vouchers are historically rooted in segregation, discrimination and racism. What’s more, the evidence shows these schools do not provide the academic benefits they claim to, and lack necessary accountability measures to ensure all students are served equally.
This website is a resource hub from the Partnership for the Future of Learning made in collaboration with and through the contribution of several of our partners. The resources provided are for groups who are committed to unmasking the truth behind private school vouchers, and, in doing so, advocate for the protection of public education and inclusive access to well-supported public schools for all students. The website offers an extensive range of resources, including fact sheets, policy briefs, webinars, and more, covering topics such as the financial challenges of vouchers, evidence of student discrimination, accountability issues, and the impact of vouchers on student success.