Spend It On Schools
How would you reimagine public funding for K-12 education?
Public education is one of the most important institutions in the United States. It’s how we invest in the potential of young people to shape our shared future. And inadequate funding has been a perpetual and devastating problem, particularly in communities of color, rural places, and areas of concentrated poverty.
Real improvements start with building equity into everything we do in schools, from decision-making to instruction. Many aspects of school and learning need to be remodeled and reimagined for today and tomorrow. That takes investment. Fulfilling the promise of public education means fully funding our schools, from maintenance of brick and mortar buildings to investing in full-service Community Schools. It means paying educators a living, competitive wage. It means making sure every student and family has the resources they need in order to learn — no matter who they are, how much money they have, or where they come from. It’s time to prioritize education as a pathway for all young people to reach their full potential.
See what federal funds can do for the students, educators, and families in our communities. Compare funding in different areas alongside $125 billion in federal relief funds. Click here to reimagine and rebuild public education funding.
What can $125 billion in federal investments do for students, teachers, and families?
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law. Of the $1.9 trillion package, close to $125 billion is slated for K-12 education. Spending can extend through 2024.
The Partnership for the Future of Learning’s ARP+ K-12 Info Hub is a living document with easy access to resources from over 40 education organizations for using ARP, CARES, and CRRSA federal investments to remodel K-12 education. These resources can help ensure that public funds are used effectively so that schools are centers of opportunity and healing.