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Education 2020 Briefing Book

Over 20 leading education and civil rights organizations are calling on every presidential candidate to step up and make education a priority for the stability and future of this country.

87% of Americans believe that increasing spending on education should be a top priority for the federal government. Education 2020 is pushing six principles: the need for a comprehensive system focusing on birth through career; equity; access to quality and affordable early childhood education; a strong K-12 system; access to postsecondary education; and investments in the educator workforce. Join us and learn more at ED2020.ORG.

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Education 2020 (ED2020) is a coalition of organizations representing educators, parents, children and youth, people of color, people with disabilities, and more spanning the sectors from early childhood through post-secondary education. We have come together to advocate for a shared vision to advance a comprehensive education agenda that promotes universal inclusion and access to ongoing learning opportunities for everyone living in America.